System Safety Services - Home of the "Father" of the Dirty Dozen - Gordon DupontOur Mission: "To assist our clients in developing the best possible Safety System to meet their needs".We train individuals how not to make the human error(s) that they never intended to make!Our Motto: "Honour Your Audience"!
Aviation Safety Products- Click on shopping cart to place an order!
“Learn from the mistakes of others.
You won’t live long enough to make all of them yourself.”
Events - Human Factors training- to book a workshop please email:
Online Training - If you are interested please contact or call 604 526-3993DOM ariticles
- #68 Our Two Healths & #69a - Moving to Management
Participants -come see some of the many companies we have trained in the last 20+ years
Joke of the Month ... Inspiration - Happy New Years!
Human Performance in Maintenance and other workshops - Please email or phone 604 526-3993 for more dates and information.
Some of the things we can do for you:
- Deliver Human Performance in Maintenance training - Part I, II or III
- Deliver a Human Performance - Airports training
- Deliver a one day Navigating the CARS (Canadian Air Regulations) workshop
- Deliver Pilot Decision Making training and Crew Decision Making - Part I, II or III
- Deliver Safety Managment System Training (SMS) - Part I, II or III
- Deliver Human Performance for Ground Crew - Part I, II or III
- Deliver Human Performance for High Consequence Industries- Part I
- Deliver Introduction to Human Factors Incident Investigation - Part I
- Develop Human Factors workshops tailored to your specific needs
- Train large company's instructors to provide Human Factors training for their employees (including recurrent updates and monitoring of the training quality)
- Produce and sell Human Factors posters and Training Videos centered around the "Dirty Dozen"
- Speak at Safety gatherings large or small on Safety related issues (just send us an email to discuss)
- Provide a confidential Safety review for a company
- Carry out a full Audit
- Carry out or assist in an Accident or incident investigation
- Assist a company in setting up a complete Safety Management System (SMS) - That works!
- Install and train a company in the use of the Fit to Work Indicator
- Act as expert witnesses in Aviation Human Factors court cases
- Assist in any other way that we can
If anyone has any questions, ideas or thoughts for our website, please feel free to email me - dupontr@system-safety.comContact Information If you have any questions regarding our work or our website please contact us by using the information below.
Telephone: 604 526-3993